Fiona Macleod

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As the Candidate for Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish

Meet Fiona

Fiona is a good listener, a bilingual communicator, an effective community builder and a proud Conservative. As the candidate of record for Cape Breton-Canso in 2021, Fiona travelled back and forth across the riding, knocking on countless doors, listening to concerns. With her political and government experience in Ottawa, Fiona knows how to get results for Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish.  

If you want to send a Conservative MP to Ottawa in the next election, join the Conservative Party today and help nominate Fiona MacLeod.

Fiona lives here. And loves here

Fiona is passionate about the healthy lifestyle Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish has to offer. As an avid foodie, Fiona loves promoting all locally sourced produce in Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish. As an outdoor enthusiast, she takes advantage of the beautiful outdoors the area has to offer in all seasons: Swimming and snorkelling in the summer; snowshoeing and skiing in the winter; walking, hiking or running in all seasons.  

Fiona is married to Murdock MacLeod, a retired 34-year veteran of the Ottawa Police Force. They live in Inverness County. They have two adult children, Megan & Lauchlin.

Murdock’s family have been operating tourism businesses for over 50 years as owners of the MacLeods Beach and Campsite & the Inverness Beach Village.

Fiona’s dedication to her community, as the voluntary Chair of L'Arche Cape Breton, is inspired by her father, Alastair MacLeod, who served as a dentist in Glace Bay, Arachat, and Sydney (Mayflower Mall) for over 35 years.

Fiona knows how Ottawa works.

Fiona was born in Scotland and emigrated to Nova Scotia when she was 6 years old. 
She grew up in Halifax and graduated from St. Francis Xavier in 1984. It was during her time at StFX that her interest in politics began, as an elected member of the Senate at StFX. She went on to Ottawa following the federal Conservative sweep in 1984. For over thirty years, Fiona worked for Conservatives in the House of Commons, the Senate of Canada and laterally within government departments. She has volunteered in federal elections from Brian Mulroney through to Stephen Harper.

Support Fiona MacLeod's nomination to represent Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish Conservative values in Ottawa.


To be the Candidate for
Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish

Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish needs a leader who gets it.

Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish is a community with a proud history of excellence and innovation, celebrated for its beauty, natural resource-based industries, and world-class academic institutions.

Under the Conservatives, Canada was doing well. But after 9 years with the Liberals, our debt has jumped to $1.22 Trillion, climbing $4.5 million per hour.  What do we have to show for it?  More government and more taxes interfering in our lives!

People can no longer afford to buy houses, food prices have more than doubled and the carbon tax is driving the cost up on everything again due to its impact on transportation costs.

Here’s my plan to fix things, built on conservative principles:

•    Scrap the carbon tax - stop punishing families and businesses for using energy.
•    Use clean energy - that’s good for our wallets and the planet, without crazy taxes.
•    Match immigration with jobs we need filled faster.
•    Build more homes by cutting red tape.
•    Increase connectivity, no matter where you live.
•    Crack down on illegal guns but leave our hunters, farmers, and sport shooters alone.

We're facing tough times because of bad decisions made by people far away who don’t understand what we need. I want to change that with smart, simple solutions that make life better without making it more expensive.

I know Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish well. I live here. My family's been running businesses here for over 50 years. I learned a lot at St. Francis Xavier University about the importance and reward of supporting your community. I am the volunteer Chair of L’Arche Cape Breton. I also know the inner working of Ottawa well.  I spent over 30 years there workings with politicians and public servants. I was your Conservative voice once and I’m ready to do it again.

Let's work together for a brighter future for Cape Breton-Canso-Antigonish. More opportunities for us, less interference from the government. Let’s make it happen!

Rodney MacDonald - Former Premier of Nova Scotia

Peter MacKay - Former Member of Parliament for Central Nova, former Minister of Justice & Attorney General, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Bonnie MacIsaac - Warden of Inverness County

Lisa Raitt - former cabinet Minister under the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Stephen Harper - Former Prime Minister of Canada and Michael Ashcroft, former Deputy Chairman of the UK Conservative Party

Tim Houston - Premier of Nova Scotia & Allan McMaster, Deputy Premier of Nova Scotia & MLA of Inverness County

Danielle Smith - Premier of Alberta

Ronnie Chisholm - Former Nova Scotia MLA, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries

Elmer MacKay - Former Member of Parliament for Central Nova and Conservative Cabinet Minister, with his wife Sharon

Leona Aglukkaq - Former Minister of Environment Canada & Health Canada and Hugh MacDougall - Councillor, Town of Port Hawkesbury

Sviatlana Tsihanouskaya - President elect of Belarus

Erna Solberg - Former Prime Minister of Norway

Scott Morrison - Former Prime Minister of Australia

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